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词汇 fault zone
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fault zones───[地质]断裂带;[地质]断层带,断层区

fault line───断层线;裂纹线

fault lines───断层线;故障线路

fault plane───[地质]断层面

faulty gene───缺陷基因

fan zone───扇形区

fare zone───收费区段

fault tree───故障树;失效树



The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers.───断层区的断层泥可能伸展到若干公里的深度.

It may be smart to avoid living on the coast, on low-lying land, on a fault zone, in a major city, or on the sides of a volcano.───避免生活在海岸边、低洼地带、断裂带上、大城市里、或火山旁或许是聪明的选择。

The structural deformation of fault zone is mainly characterized by compressor - shear structure or shearing compressive structure.───断裂带构造变形以扭压或压扭构造为主要特征.

The south step - fault zone in Gaoyou sag is the major oil producing area in Jiangsu oilfield.───高邮凹陷南断阶带地区是江苏油田的主要产油区.

The early fault zone was reconstructed and became dextral right - step Z - type fault during dextral - slip stage.───在右行走滑改造阶段,早期左行右 阶 断裂带被改造为“Z”型右行右阶断裂带.

Weibei Basin is a Mesozoic Cenozoic basin developed in the Tanlu fault zone.───潍北盆地是发育于郯庐断裂带内的中、新生代盆地.

As it is a fault zone, the landforms here have special features.───由于是断裂带, 这里的地貌特征很特别.

Bozhong 34 - 1 complex fault - blocks zone is located in Yanlu strike - slip fault zone.───渤中 34-1 浅层复杂断块区处于郯庐走滑断裂带内,受其影响和控制该区断层较发育.

There exists a ground rupture zone along north section of the Shunyi - Liangxiang fault zone near Beijing.───沿北京顺义-良乡断裂北段存在地表破裂带.

The northeastward Xiangshui fault zone in this area is the main rock - control and ore control structure.───区内北东向响水断裂带是主要的控岩和控矿构造.

Meanwhile, a wall of water surged from the fault zone toward the coast of Honshu.───同时,一面水墙奔腾着从断层带向本州岛沿岸涌去。

Any place within the fault zone could have breakage.───断层带内的任何地方都会有破裂.

In the fault zone around the Bungo Suido, at least, the entire segment is releasing a lot of strain, but without knocking down buildings, he added.───在豊后水道附近的断层中,至少整个部分正释放着巨大的压力,但是并没有震倒房屋,他又说。


The normal fault zone with NEE trending are cut by some NNW faults with left-lateral dislocation in the north of the basin.

The northeastern part of the fault zone in Longmen Mountains is a compress-torsional overthrust zone developed from the transition zone between the geosyncline and the massif.

The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers.

The overthrust fault zone and foreland basin in Southwestern Tarim is favorable areas for petroleum exploration. But the research and exploration degree here are still low.

Segmentation of thrust fault zone is a basic problem for earthquake hazard evaluation.

Jianquanzi - Luobaoquan active fault zone , general strike in NEE, is composed of 7 left - stepped , oblique - arranged active faults.

Since the Tertiary period, the Red River Fault Zone suffered both of the sinistral movement and dextral movement, but the activities of the north and the south segment were different.

The early fault zone was reconstructed and became dextral right - step Z - type fault during dextral - slip stage.

The Tan Lu Fault zone experienced intense thrusting since Neogene.

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