

词汇 a cold front
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cold front───冷面,[气象]冷锋

cold fronts───冷面,[气象]冷锋

a cold fish───冷漠的人

block front───前挡块

cold feet───害怕,胆怯;信心或勇气的丧失

cold frame───n.保护幼苗的玻璃罩;阳畦

cold moon───冷月


China's weather service expects winds from a cold front, forecast for Wednesday night, will sweep the fog away.───中国的气象预报预计,星期三晚上寒冷气流带来的风,会把大雾驱散。

A cold front is blamed for drenching rain storms, and forecasters say more rain is likely in coming days.───一场冷空气带来了狂风暴雨;气象预报说,近日还将有更多的降雨。

front is the forward edge of a mass of moving cold air.───冷锋是一团移动着的冷气流的前锋面。

We knew there was a cold front coming in, and the sea was rough, but we weren't planning to stay out that long.───海面上波涛汹涌,我们知道一股冷锋正在靠近,也就没打算久留。

They were eating lunch together, savoring one of the last warm autumn days before a cold front set in.───他们一起吃着午餐,享受着冷锋到来前的最后几天温暖的秋日。

Meteorologists forecast the heat will last until Thursday, when a cold front is expected to reduce highs in some areas to less than 30 C.───气象专家预测高温将持续到周四,之后一股冷空气前锋有望使部分地区的最高气温降到30℃以下。

Topographic Distortion of a Cold Front over the Snake River Plain and Central Idaho Mountains .───斯内克河平原及爱达荷山脉中部上空冷锋的地形畸变。

Of course, we were warned that a cold front is headed our way but this was beyond what I expected.───当然我们已经实现得到了警告说有股冷空气要到我们这里,但是我没有料到会这么糟。

The left image pair shows a cold front moving from left to right into a warm mass of air.───左边的一对图像显示了一道冷锋从左往右插入暖气团下方的情形。


A cold front moving down from Canada and butting up against moisture out of the Gulf of Mexico has produced freezing rain, snow and flash floods from Kansas down to Texas and eastward into Missouri.

A cold front defined as the leading edge of a cooler and drier mass of air.

Cirrus clouds are usually forerunners of a cold front.

The radio says a cold front is coming, with strong winds from the northwest.

A cold front with a large temperature difference is often marked by violent thundersqualls.

A cold front is moving in from the north.

Forecasters are banking on a cold front to clear cloudy conditions.

A cold front is the forward edge of a mass of moving cold air.

The weather forecast shows a cold front across the area.

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