This kite is made of paper
A kite will never be a good hawk.───鸢永不会变成隼.
Give a lark to catch a kite.───得了风筝,失了云雀.
I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail.───我得到一个新的风筝,形状像一颗有长尾巴的钻石.
The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string.───小姑娘放绳让风筝飞上天.
A kite was flying in the air at the end of a long string.───风筝被绑在一根长线的尾端,飞翔在空中.
The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.───风筝宽1.5米。
A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.───一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝.
Build the frame of the kite by making a small cross of two pieces of lightwood.───用两根很轻的小木条做成一个小十字架,这样做成风筝的框架.
Weifang is nated for its international Kite Festival every year.───潍坊每年举行的风筝节很有名.
This is my kite. What colour is it? Guess.───这是我的风筝. 它是什么颜色? 猜.
- 她喜欢风筝用英语怎么说
- 这个风筝是用纸做的用英语怎么说
- 昨天我放风筝了用英语怎么说
- 我们会在那里放风筝用英语怎么说
- 你看到了多少风筝用英语怎么说
- 孩子们在草地上放风筝用英语怎么说
- 他的风筝挂在树上用英语怎么说
- 线断风筝用英语怎么说
- 有多少只风筝在天上飞用英语怎么说
- 她下周将不会带他的风筝用英语怎么说
- kiteflying festival
- dismas kitenge
- main sflying kites
- brookite phase
- i have a kite
- kite down
- night uflew a kite
- fly the kite
- act kite
- flying kites