

词汇 过去常常玩手机用英语怎么说
释义 过去常常玩手机用英语怎么说

I used to play with my cell phone


手机───mobile phone


a prepaid mobile phone───预付话费的移动电话

The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.───移动电话业务实际上是他的主业。

A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.───典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。

You can call my mobile phone anytime to contact me.───任何时候打到我手机里联系我就可以了.

Based on the mobile phone j 2 me racing game source code, game developers learn beginners!───基于j2me的手机赛车游戏源代码, 游戏开发入门者学习!

He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.───他忘了带手机充电器。

Cooking time: This very much depends on the power output of your mobile phone.───烹调时间: 这很大程度上将依赖于你的手机的输出功率.

On those numbers alone, the smart mobile phone revolution looks unstoppable.───仅从上述数字即可断言, 智能移动电话的革命势不可挡.

My mobile phone is extremely useful.───我的手机非常有用。

Recently released Motorola financial results indicated its mobile phone business incurred serious losses last year.───该公司此前发布的财报显示,手机业务去年亏损严重.

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