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词汇 farmed out
释义 farmed out
farmed out发音



carted out───拖出去的

carved out───创业;开拓;雕刻

faced out───固执到底

faded out───v.淡出;渐弱

fagged out───使极累

fanned out───成扇形散开

farm out───部份转让;分包合同;移交


The whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now.───这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽,不能再种庄稼了。

This whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now.───这整个地区的地力已经耗尽,现在那儿长不出任何庄稼。

Company's employees get farmed out to other Google projects.───公司的员工被寄养到别的Google项目上。

The couple's three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong's dog, Pepper, is still with her.───这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。

It is expected that, for any new European deals this year, the equity slice is likely to be farmed out to a parent company or bigger group.───对于今年欧洲任何可能出现的新交易而言,这部分股份都可能会被转给母公司或规模较大的公司。

In typical assembly-line operations, design is farmed out to specialist outsiders or to a separate team of insides.───在典型流水线操作中,设计都被外包给外部专家或内部独立小组。

That way, once you've got a zone farmed out, you can actually go back to it for longer to get some PvP gear out of it.───那个方式,一旦您有出租的区域,您可以实际上回到它长期的能使一些PvP齿轮脱离它。

Looking emaciated, he farmed out large parts of his speech, which is usually a big marketing and media event, to other presenters.───他看起来非常虚弱,大部分的演讲由其他同事代劳,然而通常他的演讲被视作重要的市场推广活动和媒体事件。

While mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives.───母亲生病时,孩子就寄养在亲成家。


She farmed out the baby with her grandmother.

She farmed out the baby with her grandmother and went to work in town.

When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends.

These foothills have been farmed out with tobacco.

The children were farmed out to nannies at an early age.

The processing will be farmed out to people in local villages.

He farmed out his land.

The land has been farmed out.

The prisoners are farmed out to work on the land.

  • farmed animal
  • farmed out
  • farmed mink
  • farmed fresh




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