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词汇 fading light
释义 fading light
fading light发音



leading light───重要人物(等于leadingluminary);[水运]导航灯(等于rangelight)

reading light───阅读灯

riding light───锚灯

flashing light───[水运]闪光,闪光灯;频闪灯;手电

landing lights───着陆灯

leading lights───重要人物(等于leadingluminary);[水运]导航灯(等于rangelight)

reading lights───阅读灯


Finished Fading Light and other 3 oil paintings;───完成《光既逝》等四幅风景油画创作;

You'd need arcs or strobe lights for that kind of effect, even in this feeble, fading light.───就要有弧光灯或者闪光灯,虽然光线已经非常弱。

in fading light, the picture looks toward the western horizon across a snowy, frozen landscape.───在昏暗的光线下,冰雪覆盖的大地朝西向地平线延伸,真是一个令人激动的场景。

Scarlett looked at her father in the fading light, and, without knowing why, she found it comforting to be in his presence.───如今在擦黑的微光中思嘉望着父亲,也不知为什么她觉得一到他面前心里就舒服了。

In the fading light I could make out here and there guns, hats, combat trousers, boots, a beard, another gun and a white flag.───通过时明时暗的光线,我能够辨别出来,这里或那里有枪、帽子、军裤、靴子、胡子、又一支枪和白色旗帜。

I watched them ride along the corniche, headlights blazing through the swirling dust and the fading light. I started counting.───我遥望他们在峭壁上骑行,前灯穿透团团扬尘和暮霭,我开始数数。

Soon a low mud gateway appeared in the fading light. It was a disappointing entrance to the fabled city.───很快的,一道低矮的泥砌通道出现在昏暗的光线中。这道通往寓言中城市的入口真让人失望。

Fading light of dusk to the sparkling lakeplated layer of Phnom Penh, gently flowing water and beautiful sound.───夕阳的余晖给波光粼粼的湖水镀上一层金边,流淌的水流声轻缓而优美。

The Fading Light Lo Hau Man The Xiao (Vertical flute) and alto flute are different in their playing techniques but similar in timbre.───光渺云逝卢厚敏洞箫跟中音长笛在吹奏方法上有差异,但音色上很接近。


In the fading light she could just make out the shape of a tractor.

She could not distinguish the make and colour of the car in the fading light.

In the fading light of the patio, Yolanda can not make out the expression on the dark face.

The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.

Some likened it to facing the fast bowler Curtly Ambrose in a fading light.

I turned to warn Tam and Richie, whom I could just see in the fading light.

In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.

There was a fading light I had never quite seen.

The Fading Light Lo Hau Man The Xiao (Vertical flute) and alto flute are different in their playing techniques but similar in timbre.

  • fading from jw
  • fading light
  • fading time
  • fading kitten syndrome
  • fading awe
  • fading out




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