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词汇 aortic stenosis
释义 aortic stenosis
aortic stenosis发音




aortic stenoses───主动脉狭窄

pyloric stenosis───[医]幽门狭窄

pyloric stenoses───幽门狭窄

mitral stenosis───[内科]二尖瓣狭窄,僧帽瓣狭窄



aortic arches───[解剖]主动脉弓;织脉弓

aortic valves───[解剖]主动脉瓣;织脉瓣



Aortic stenosis is the inability of the aortic valve to open completely.───主动脉狭窄使得主动脉瓣不能够完全的开放.

Background - The optimal timing of surgical intervention remains controversial in asymptomatic patients with very severe aortic stenosis.───无症状重度主动脉瓣狭窄患者的手术干预时机仍然存在有分歧.

Aortic stenosis is a nasty disease.───主动脉瓣狭窄是一个讨厌的疾病。

If this happens, a second balloon procedure or operation may be necessary to repair aortic stenosis.───如果发生了, 再次球囊导管介入或手术对于修复主动脉狭窄可能是必要的.

Over the past decades, echocardiography has become the clinical standard for the evaluation of aortic stenosis severity.───在过去的几十年,超声心动已经成为评价主动脉狭窄严重程度的标准。

Do not use in any dog that has evidence of cardiac output failure due to aortic stenosis.───不要使用任何狗,它具有心输出量衰竭的主动脉瓣狭窄的证据。

Could you tell us how to assess aortic stenosis accurately?───您能说一下怎样准确评估 吗 ?

The patient was diagnosed aortic stenosis by color Doppler ultrasound.───心脏彩色多普勒超声诊断为主动脉瓣狭窄.

Why is aortic stenosis a concern?───为什么主动脉狭窄受到关注?

What are the symptoms of aortic stenosis?───主动脉狭窄有些什么症状?


With the decline of acute rheumatic fever, calcific aortic stenosis has become the most common indication for surgical valve replacement in the USA.

If aortic valve disease has an active biology is there medical therapy for calcific aortic stenosis?

Could you tell us how to assess aortic stenosis accurately?

Why is aortic stenosis a concern?

Aortic stenosis is the inability of the aortic valve to open completely.

Contraindications to exercise training include unstable angina pectoris, ventricular arrhythmias, and severe aortic stenosis.

What are the symptoms of aortic stenosis?

Introduction: Aortic stenosis (AS) is the most common valvular heart disease in westernised societies.

The patient was diagnosed aortic stenosis by color Doppler ultrasound.

  • aortic arch
  • aortic regurgitation




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