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词汇 eye movements
释义 eye movements
eye movements发音





bowel movements───排便

sleep movements───睡眠运动

mass movements───群众运动;大量运动


eye ointments───眼药膏;眼膏


Research concerning eye movements in motor driving behavior had both theoretical and practical values.───对汽车驾驶行为的眼动研究具有重要的理论和实践意义.

The central vestibular system may be involved and can manifest as vertigo with abnormal eye movements.───如果发生脑干,可能影响中枢前庭神经系统,而造成眩晕及异常眼球运动.

The Neural Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements.───视觉引导的眼球运动的神经控制.

He showed that the average individuats sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye - movements.───他指出,人的平均睡眠周期不时地被眼睛运动的突然发生所打断.

We report a 45 - year - old female patient with ptosis, diplopia, anisocoria and restricted eye movements.───本文报告一位四十五 岁 女性,主诉眼皮下垂, 复视, 并有两眼瞳孔不等大及眼球运动功能障碍.

The Neural Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements . Pp . 3 - 46.───视觉引导的眼球运动的神经控制.第3-46页.

Do Eye Movements Involve Memory?───眼睛运动如何与记忆相关?

A method was described to simulate eye movements and expressions.───摘要描述了一种人眼运动及表情的仿真方法.

One problem was that the facial-capture system used in "the Polar Express" could not capture eye movements.───其中一个问题是,《极地速递》中运用的面部表情捕捉系统无法捕捉眼睛的运动。

Conjugate eye movements are of two types: saccadic and smooth pursuit.───共轭眼球运动有两类: 跳视和缓慢的追踪.

Eye - tracking technology unobtrusively follows a reader's eye movements as the person views a page.───眼球追踪技术在不引人注意下会在读者浏览网页时跟随他的眼睛移动.

The study, carried out by scientists at Manchester University, involved tracking the eye movements of 50 men as they were presented with images of different women.───这项由曼彻斯特大学的科学家们开展的研究对50位男性在看到不同女人的照片时眼部的运动进行了跟踪记录。


Identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements.

The sleeper is awakened when rapid eye movements indicate that dreaming is taking place.

Eye convergence often inhibits the eye movements.

Conjugate eye movements are of two types: saccadic and smooth pursuit.

Two general classes of eye movements have been distinguished: Conjugate eye movements and vergence eye movements.

This can disturb the normal eye movements that would be used by a fluent reader, and visual scanning can be impaired.

Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.

This is the idea that horizontal eye movements aid interhemispheric communication, thus allowing the more rational left hemisphere to process the right hemisphere's traumatic memories.

If rapid eye movements accompany dreaming, does it mean that our eyes are following the action of the dreams?

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  • eye repair
  • eye movements
  • eyes shut
  • eye shadow
  • eyelike windows
  • eyebrow tattooing
  • eyedrop tool
  • eye water line
  • eyetooth plural
  • eyeball to eyeball
  • eyes think
  • eyebrow bend
  • eyeballs hurt
  • eyeshadow brush
  • eyelids swollen
  • eyer davis
  • eyelash extensions
  • eyetooth band




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