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evolutionary biology───[生物]进化生物学

evolutionary theory───[进化]进化论

evolutionary tree───进化树

evolutionary biologies───[生物]进化生物学

revolutionary fervour───革命热情

Revolutionary War───n.美国之革命战争

Revolutionary Wars───n.美国之革命战争

aviation history───航空史

evolution theory───[进化]进化论


Now the research team has at the appendix over evolutionary history.───目前该研究小组从进化论历史的角度来研究阑尾.

Now the research team has looked at the appendix over evolutionary history.───现在,这个科研小组已从阑尾的进化史开展研究.

The researchers looked at the non-human genomes first, seeking regions that had not changed much throughout evolutionary history.───首先,研究人员查看了动物的基因组,试图寻找一些在进化上没有发生重大变化的区域。

In fact, they might be due to the very nature of our evolutionary history.───实际上,这也许归咎于人类进化史中,存在的某种本性。

Basically, the relationship between nature and humanity has been a problem running through the whole evolutionary history of mankind.───人与自然的关系问题一直贯穿于人类发展的历史进程中。

To see if he was right, biologists have reconstructed evolutionary history.───为了验证这个法则,生物学家们试图去重建进化的历史。

Seen from the evolutionary history of a system history, the customary law is always the previous and vivid origin of mankinds legal system.───从制度史上看,习惯法始终是人类法制上一个生动的渊源。

Blind snake fossils are nearly nonexistent, so their evolutionary history has been a mystery.───由于盲蛇的化石基本上不存在,所以它们的进化历程还是个谜。


For researchers who want to understand the evolutionary history of the genes that drive cooperative behaviour, bacteria offer both promise and problems, says Queller.

They will find anatomical and physiological features which are the product of an evolutionary history.

And always, wherever they went, the animals were tame because they had never in their evolutionary history encountered human predators.

The book in other ways also reflects how little they had yet formulated a detailed evolutionary history of society.

Figure 4 shows one particular evolutionary history consisting of no more than 29 generations.

It records the Mesozoic ancient volcano occurred, evolutionary history, also shows 100 million years geological formation of deep canyons, peak forest, have "modelling landform museum, " said.

The evolutionary history of Figure 4 is a reconstruction.

Every evolutionary history consists of a particular pathway, or trajectory, through genetic space.

The origin, the evolutionary history and the prospect of breeding of the Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum are discussed based on the number variation of the flower structure.

  • evolutionary anthropology
  • evolutionary war
  • evolutionary theory
  • evolutionary process




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