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词汇 entire body
释义 entire body
entire body发音




entire budget───全部预算

entire floor───整个楼层

entire world───整个世界;全世界

entire country───整个国家

entire history───整个历史

restiform body───[解剖]小脑下脚;[解剖]绳状体


entire crew───全体船员

entire life───总寿命


Ensure more consistent formatting across an entire body of content───确保整个内容正文具有更一致的格式

Your entire body is calm and relaxed.───你的全身已经放松了。

This will energize your entire body.───这将激活你全身的能量。

And with a movement of his entire body, much too fast for me to see, he was suddenly standing disdainfully at the foot of the steps.───接着他纵身一跳,动作快得让我看不清,他已经站在了石阶最下层,轻蔑地看着我。

Changing the entire body to be that of another species is not possible, as any geneticist will tell you.───全身发生变化以成为另外一个物种是不可能的,随便哪个遗传学者都会告诉你。

Make some silly noises while shaking out your entire body or jumping up and down to let go of any other tense areas that may be stuck.───摇动你的整个身体或上下跳动并发出一些可笑的声音可以放松其它还没放松的区域。

his teeth chattered, his hands were cold, violent nervous convulsions took possession of his entire body.───他的牙齿格格作响,双手冰凉,全身的神经都在剧烈地颤动。

Your entire body needs to be gradually warmed up to prepare it for the added demands of aerobic training.───整个身体都需要逐渐进行热身运动,以达到有氧运动的较大需求。

And in some cases, not the entire body is burned and we'd expect to see burn marks all over the body in a traditional house fire scenario.───并且在一些自燃案例中,并非整个身体都烧了个透,我们所期待的那些烂俗火灾剧本中的遍身烧痕也并没出现。


It comprises the entire body politic, with all its citizens and all their interest groups and social movements.

Sarella felt a jolt through her entire body at the sight of him.

In severe infections the entire body will be covered with the parasites, and the fishes will appear almost white.

The entire body of the dinosaur would have been pivoted around the hip girdle.

The disease appeared to have invaded her entire body.

Maria's entire body was rigid with the force of the wild denial.

The entire body of the larva is being dismembered and reassembled.

His eyes had immediately darkened, and his entire body had taken on an aggressive stance.

She rubbed sun lotion over her entire body.

  • entirety definition biz
  • entire continent
  • entirely up to
  • entire line up
  • entire agreement
  • entire body
  • entire nation




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