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词汇 肥仔用英语怎么说
释义 肥仔用英语怎么说

Fat boy


肥仔───fat boy


The fat boy want to creep from the window but he is too fat to get through.───那个胖男孩孩想从仓库的窗户里爬过去,不过他太胖了身子不易通过。

Same with Fat Boy.───胖男孩也是这样的。

The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight.───这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

"Now, Friday is better than Saturday, and Saturday is better than Sunday, " he said, looking longingly at his Fat Boy.───现在,星期五比星期六好,星期六比星期天好。他看着他的胖儿子说到。

We had such a fat boy at school: His cheeks were so adipose that his eyes had become mere slits.───我们学校中的胖小子都是这样的:肥胖的脸颊使眼睛眯成一条缝。

He turned around to see a large, fat boy in the uniform of another school who was looking at Billy and sniggering.───他四下张望,只见穿着其他学校校服的胖男孩正看着边窃笑,边看着自己。

In the middle of the scar he stood on his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy.───在孤岩当中,他就地来了个拿大顶,咧嘴笑看着颠倒了的胖男孩。

The fat boy's name was AEneas , his father's name was Patroclus, and his mother's Daphne.───小胖仔名叫爱涅阿斯,他的爸爸叫普特洛克勒斯,他的妈妈叫达芙妮。

He tried to be off hand and not too obviously uninterested , but the fat boy hurried after him.───他努力装出一副随随便便的样子,同时又避免表露出过分明显的无动于衷,可那胖男孩急匆匆地跟着他。


In a roomful of thin boys one fat boy is odd man out.

The fat boy was victimized by his classmates.

  • 肥仔用英语怎么说
  • belly fat
  • fatherless children
  • about happy father
  • three fat
  • fate her
  • glabella fat
  • tempt fate
  • illfated voyage
  • fatalistic warning
  • ill-fated syn




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