Get together to celebrate
聚───gather;在一起───in harness
He took the trouble to gather the materials for me.───他不辞辛劳地为我收集资料.
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.───花开堪折直须折。
Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria.───下周,卫生部长们将在阿姆斯特丹聚首共商防治疟疾的策略。
Cloulds gather before a storm.───暴风雨前夕云层集结.
Do I gather from the look on your face that you're not pleased with the result?───从你的面部表情看,你对结果不太满意,是 吗 ?
Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.───花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。
Did you gather the implications of her remark?───你没有听出她那话里隐含的另一层意思?
Gather around, friends, and hear the news!───朋友们, 大伙围拢起来听新闻!
Gather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.
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- gatherer town
- gather steam
- gathered nest
- forgathers cannibalized maliciousness
- forgather definition
- gathered up
- dispersing gathering
- gatherer wizards
- gathering bread crumbs
- gather to