energy level───[物]能级
poverty levels───贫困水平
Abney levels───手水准仪;阿布尼水准器;阿伯尼水准仪;阿布尼水平器
Fermi levels───费米能级;费密能级
eye levels───齐眼高度;视平线
energy savings───节能(energysaving的复数)
reverse bevels───反向斜面
Abney level───手水准仪;阿布尼水准器;阿伯尼水准仪;阿布尼水平器
Fermi level───费米能级;费密能级
As the atoms approach, the splitting between the energy levels will be increased.───随着原子的接近, 能级之间的分裂将增加.
The fine structure results from slightly different energy levels.───精细结构由差异微小的能量级产生.
Relativistic motion of the electron produces fine structure among the energy levels.───电子的相对论性运动在能级中产生精细结构.
For a harmonic oscillator the energy levels are evenly spaced.───对谐振子来说,能级是等间隔的.
Investigation of atomic spectra yields atomic energy levels.───原子光谱的研究能给出原子能级信息.
Your energy levels will thank you.───你的精力将会感激不尽。
The energy levels increase.───四.能级的提高.
According to quantum theory only certain energy levels are possible.───根据量子理论,只有某些能量级是可能实现的.
The spacing of translational energy levels is very small.───平动的能级间隔极少.
Earlier in the process energy levels over time and decay.───后面讲功,办理能级随着工夫的推移而衰减.
By varying the bias voltage , the activated energies of the discrete energy levels are obtained.───通过改变不同的反向偏压, 利用不同的测试频率可得出量子点中相应的空穴的激活能.
This fact is often expressed in the physics jargon as " Energy levels repel each other. "───用物理术语来说,这一事实常称为 “ 能级的相斥 ”.
These energy levels are so numerous as to be indistinct.───这些能级如此之多甚至无法区分.
The intensity is determined by a felicitous arrangement of the atomic energy levels.───这一强度取决于原子能级的适当排列.
Note that all energy levels in the valence band are empty.───热能量和外加电场不能够提高在价带中最上层电子到导带.
But we could also sum over energy levels.───实际上我们可以对能级求和。
What are the energy levels available to it?───它可能的能级是什么?
This is why it is acceptable to speak of well - defined energy levels.───这就是为什么我们还能接受所谓充分确定的能级这样的说法.
His internal clock indicated that his energy levels were at zero.
With laser techniques, however, the molecular energy levels of the impurities are quite different from the atomic ones.
Atomic energy levels depend principally on the nuclear charge, which is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus.
These two effects split the atomic energy levels into several components, producing the so-called hyperfine structure.
Quite simply, the core energy levels for atoms of a particular element depend on its environment.
His energy levels increased and the walnut-sized swellings in his neck and groin began to shrink.
For the anharmonic oscillator, then, the vibrational energy levels associated with a particular vibration are not equally spaced.
The quantum numbers represent energy levels.
Sunday's different, energy levels are low and you can't summon the strength or stamina to do anything.
- energy band
- energy cream
- energy conservation
- energy sources
- energy conversion
- energy efficient
- energy bars
- energy ampule
- energy policy
- energy girl
- energy giving