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词汇 end zone
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end zones───(球门线到底线的)球门区;结束区


dead zone───死区(电波不能到达的地区);盲区;[通信]静区

end line───[计]结束行;[计]终点行

end on───端头直对地



friend zone───朋友界限(歌曲名,FriendZone);朋友区间(指的是两个人之间的柏拉图式的友谊,其中一个人希望能和对方发展出浪漫恋情)

dead zones───死区(电波不能到达的地区);盲区;[通信]静区


I sat in the end zone but felt as if I were on a throne, as Navy won 20-7.───最后海军队以20比7获胜。我虽然坐在达阵区后,却感觉像是坐在国王的宝座上。

But Speaker John Boehner and his negotiating team have continually moved the end zone.───但是发言人约翰·勃纳尔及其谈判团队却誓言要坚持到底。

We stopped their quarterback in their end zone for a safety.───我们在对方的达阵区阻止了他们的四分卫,得到了一个safety。

If the disc goes out of the back of the end zone, the other team can walk it up a ways, similar to a touchback in football.───如果飞盘飞到了得分区的后面,另一支队伍要走很长的距离,类似于足球里的持球触地。

When you are the puller, whether throwing backhand or forehand, aim to land close to one of the sidelines in the end zone.───当你是发盘者,无论是反手还是正手目的都是靠近得分区的某条边线。

Phyllis Ring, 81, of Fort Collins, Colorado, watched the speech from her wheelchair in the end zone of Denver's Invesco football stadium.───现年81岁、生活在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的PhyllisRing坐着轮椅观看了奥巴马在丹佛橄榄球体育场的提名演讲。

As long as the disc stays in bounds, the other team must play it where it lands, even if it is in the end zone.───只要飞盘在界内,另一支队伍必须在飞盘着陆的地方扔飞盘,即使它在得分区。

In looking at the low-end zone, you'll notice that it's the pace most of us can run for just shy of the marathon.───在观察低端区域时,您会注意到那正是大多数人可以尝试马拉松的配速。

A goal is scored when a team completes a pass to a player standing (or more likely running) in the end zone they are attacking.───当进攻方队员在得分区域接到飞盘(或者跑动中)时就算得分。


A wide receiver does the same dance in the end zone and draws a penalty.

But as Rice tumbled into the end zone, he landed awkwardly.

Elvis Grbac took the snap, tucked his body into a tight C and dropped it into the end zone.

Pope intercepted in the end zone.

The quarterback sprinted toward the end zone with Jansen in hot pursuit .

It's Comer , folks, into the end zone for another Permian touchdown!

He also fumbled in the end zone to give Seattle a touchdown.

As the clock ran down to zero, Harris ran down the sideline into the end zone.

Billy Joe Tolliver threw a 44-yard bomb into the end zone.

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