

词汇 红狼用英语怎么说
释义 红狼用英语怎么说

Red Wolf


红狼───red wolf


Oh, mom doesn't like Red Wolf!───哦,妈妈不喜欢红太狼啊!

red wolf diet consists mainly of white-tailed deer and small mammals such as swamp rabbits, raccoons, and nutria.───红狼以白尾鹿或者其他的一些小的哺乳动物为食,比如沼泽兔子、浣熊以及海狸鼠。

What is the legal status of the red wolf?───红狼有什么样的法律地位?

Gray Wolf Gray Wolf is a male Wolf, he and his wife red Wolf lives in the woods in the edge of the grassy plains favored the Wolf fort.───灰太狼灰太狼是一只雄性大灰狼,他和老婆红太狼住在青青草原边上魔鬼树林中的狼堡里。

Gray Wolf afraid of his wife's red is often a Wolf, his wife, he must do things if shots, fine, just waiting for the red Wolf pan to serve.───灰太狼怕他的妻子红太狼,经常是妻子一出口,他就必需得出手,如果工作没办妥的话,就只能等着红太狼的平底锅服侍了。

And Big Big Wolf lives in his house with his wife, Red Wolf, out of Qingqing Grasslands.───而灰太狼和他的妻子红太郎住在青青草原之外。

Do not envy the allure of the red wolf, gray wolf too hell-bent is love.───羡慕那个不倾国不倾城的红太狼,却有灰太狼死心塌地的爱着。

Many netizens think the Red Wolf is lucky in finding such a husband. But does this kind of relationship work in real life?───许多网民认为,红太狼找到这样一个丈夫很幸运。但是这种关系在现实生活中有用吗?

Griff's cloak was made from the hide and head of a red wolf of the Rhoyne. Under the pelt he wore brown leather stiffened with iron rings.───格里夫的斗篷由罗伊达红狼的头和皮毛做成,在兽皮下他穿了件由铁环串联的坚硬棕色皮革。


Mom: oh, mom doesn't like red Wolf!

Do not envy the allure of the red wolf, gray wolf too hell-bent is love.

In the year 3131, the goats live in the Qingqing Grasslands happily, while "Grey Wolf" and his wife "Red Wolf" move to Qingqing Grasslands to try and capture them.

Gray and red wolf pups weigh about a pound at birth.

No single hypothesis for the origin of the red wolf is universally accepted by scientists.

Red wolf packs are generally smaller than gray wolf packs and usually have 2 to 8 members, but a pack of 12 has been observed in the wild.

What is the legal status of the red wolf?

The red wolf has federally endangered status throughout its 29-state historic range.

Heis the son of Grey Wolf and Red Wolf and doesnt appear very often, though more often than Yellow Wolf and Black Wolf.

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