

词汇 electric shock risk
释义 electric shock risk
electric shock risk发音



electric shocks───触电

electric shock───触电;[电]电击;[临床]电休克

electric sockets───电源插座

electric cookers───n.电炉

electric shavers───电动刮胡刀;电动剃须刀

electric socket───电源插座

electric storms───n.电暴

electric whisk───电动搅拌器

electrical shocks───电休克


Product operators in these circumstances must be trained to protect themselves from the risk of electric shock.───这种工作环境下的产品操作者必须经过严格培训,避免电击风险。

Security: whether the product lines are exposed, and whether have the risk of electric shock?───安全性:产品线路是否暴露在外,有无触电危险?

Insulated group of anti-less than the specified value when there is fear of electric shock, the risk of fire Should be repaired before making a power insulation.───绝缘组抗低于规定值时,恐有触电、发生火灾之虞,应修复绝缘后再做通电。

use of smart regulation and control of temperature and time settings, eliminating the fire and electric shock risk.───采用智能调控方式,对温度和时间进行设定,消除了火灾和触电的危险。

Analysis and Countermeasure to Electric Shock Risk by Charged Capacitor through Power Plug───贮能电容通过源插头引发电击危险的分析及应对措施

  • electric discharge
  • electricity bill
  • electrician jobs
  • electricity generation
  • electrician union
  • electrical system failure
  • electric kiss
  • electrical wiring
  • electricians and plumbers
  • electrically powered mixer
  • electrical circuit
  • electrically balance in chemistry
  • electric piano
  • electric fans
  • electrical waste
  • electric machines
  • electric shock training
  • electrical cable
  • electric shock risk
  • electrical current
  • electric bike




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