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词汇 drummed up
释义 drummed up
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drummed out───轰走;鸣鼓驱逐

dreamed up───设计;创造

gummed up───搞乱;把事情搞糟;使出毛病

summed up───概括,归纳;总结

trumped up───伪造,捏造

drumming up───招徕(顾客);竭力争取;纠集;鼓动

rummaged up───翻箱倒柜

;ushed up───复习;提高;擦光

bumped up───突然增加;提升


The whole family arrived unexpectedly but mother drummed up a meal for them somehow.───全家不期而至,但不管怎样,母亲还是为他们拼凑了一顿饭。

He drummed up a new way of changing bicycle tires.───他想出一种调换自行车轮胎的新方法。

Luckily for her mother, an engagement was swiftly drummed up and political disaster averted, but it was a close run thing.───对于她的妈妈而言,幸运的是,一场订婚迅速被制造出来,从而避免了一场政治灾难,但过程真是惊险。

This was all drummed up by a Chinese promoter who was trying to get me to come there after playing Japan and Korea.───这都是一个中国演出商倒腾出来的,他想让我在日本和韩国演出之后去中国表演。

Confidence isn't drummed up; it's built, not in a day, not in a week, but over time.───自信不是争取到的,是打造出来的,不是一天两天、也不是一个星期,而是经年累月打造出来的。

The Palm Beach Country Club, where Mr Madoff drummed up many of his local Florida clients, has gone into lockdown mode.───棕榈滩乡村俱乐部(PalmBeachCountryClub)如今已经大门紧闭。马多夫就是在这里招徕到众多弗罗里达州的本地客户。

The $430 billion private-equity funds raised was more than the industry drummed up between 1990 and 1998.───私募股本基金融集资金4300亿美元,比1990年到1998年间整个产业筹集到的还要多。

Led by Facebook users, the public drummed up three times that amount in coins to cover the fine.───在Facebook用户的领导下,公众募集了三倍于罚金的捐款。


The promotion department drummed up obvious stunts.

The resourceful youngster has overhauled the yacht and drummed up sponsors largely by himself.





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