

词汇 海伦擅长跳舞用英语怎么说
释义 海伦擅长跳舞用英语怎么说

Helen is good at dancing




She had made Helen a dress which showed off her tiny waist.───她给海伦做了件很显她纤细腰身的连衣裙。

Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.───海伦是澳大利亚非常著名的小说家。

Helen had recently paid him a visit.───海伦最近拜访了他。

Ben suffered a heart attack and Helen rushed to his assistance.───本心脏病犯了,海伦急忙赶过来帮忙。

Helen's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin-tone.───海伦选择的唇膏很适合她的肤色。

Helen sat upright in her chair.───海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。

Helen described life in a weightless environment during her period in space.───海伦描述了她身处太空时失重状态下的生活。

She realizes now she expected too much of Helen.───现在她意识到自己对海伦的期望太高了。

Helen had been struggling against suicidal tendencies.───海伦一直在压制心里的自杀念头。


Helen will chair the meeting .

The door was ajar and Helen peeped in.

He gave Helen a look of bitter reproach.

Helen sat upright in her chair.

I debated the question with Helen.

Helen made a successful career in cabaret.

Jack was emboldened to ask Helen to marry him.

He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year.

Helen poured out two stiff drinks.

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