divining rods───探测杖;魔杖
lightning rod───避雷针
dining on───吃...
dining room───餐厅
dividing off───分隔开;分开
dividing up───瓜分;分割;分配
dowsing rod───探矿杖
fishing rod───n.(有绕线轮的)钓鱼竿
Too deep for any deft divining rod.───太深任何涅米宁占卜棒.
What, you got a divining rod tattooed on your ass?───难道你的屁股有纹上卜问棒?
a divining rod, a dowser may find water, metals and other substances in the ground without the use of scientific tools.───占卜探测者从不需要科学仪器,依仗一根探测杖他们便可测出地下的水源,金属,或者其他物质。
It's your personal inner divining rod of truth . Discover your purpose.───人生目的是你内在的真理权杖,你得去发现它.
I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.───由手中的探矿杖和前面升起的薄雾,我断定附近某处就有那最富足的矿脉,而我,要开始开矿了。
To locate ( underground water or minerals ) with a divining rod ; douse.───用占卜杖探 ( 水源或矿脉 )
To locate ( underground water or minerals ) with a divining rod ; douse.
- divining light