alien planet───外星行星
badger plane───[木]槽刨
inner planet───[天]内行星
fore plane───粗刨
jet plane───喷气式飞机
main plane───n.主机翼
flight is planned later this year, and then a new plane will be built based on the results of those tests.───飞行测试将在今年晚些时候开始,由这些测试结果将造一个新的飞机。
years for a new plane to move from drawing board to mass production.───一种新型飞机从图板设计阶段转入大批量生产要经历数年时间。
To celebrate its sponsorship of the team, Air new Zealand is doing the logical thing: painting a new plane all black.───为了庆祝对球队的赞助,新西兰航空顺理成章将飞机喷涂成全黑色。
As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity.───作为一个新飞机的秘密训练基地,这是一个优秀的网站,其偏远有效地屏蔽其活动。
To celebrate its sponsorship of the team, Air New Zealand is doing the logical thing: painting a new plane all black.───为了庆祝对球队的赞助,新西兰航空顺理成章将飞机喷涂成全黑色。
It takes years for a new plane to move from drawing board to mass production.───一种新型飞机从图板设计阶段转入大批量生产要经历数年时间。
Dassault and Bombardier are taking orders for two to three years out, and Boeing says the soonest a new plane can be delivered is 2012.───达索和庞巴迪正在接受的订单排到了两三年之后了,而波音表示,新飞机最快能在2012年交货。
A night flight is planned later this year, and then a new plane will be built based on the results of those tests.───夜间飞行测试将在今年晚些时候开始,由这些测试结果将造一个新的飞机。
Here's a new plane for you.───这是给你的新飞机。
Bush never wanted a new plane. Ronald Reagan never asked for one either.
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