Always be the first
It took her forever to find the answer.───寻找这个答案她花了许多时间.
The image of their son holding up the championship trophy would be etched on their memories forever.───他们永远也不会忘记儿子高举着冠军奖杯的样子.
I was forever dragging him away from the fireplace.───我老是要把他从壁炉边拉开。
Our luck couldn't hold forever.───我们的好运不可能永远保持不变。
Gone forever are the days when the imperialists enslaved the Chinese people.───帝国主义奴役中国人民的时代已经一去不复返了.
They will live forever in our hearts.───他们将永远活在我们心中.
Once a use, forever a custom.───习惯成自然.
Their lives changed forever.───他们的生活完全改变了。
She has been so deeply hurt it may take forever for the wounds to heal.───她内心受伤太深,也许再也无法愈合。
He was forever attempting to arrange deals.───他老是想撮合交易。
I think that we will live together forever.
Just when I thought I had lost the letter forever, it blew right back into my hand!
Time goes with wind,I love you forever.
I wanted that moment to last forever .
Christians believe that the soul lives forever.
Forever cannot fill up void.
True friendship lasts forever.
Teacher is powerful in a child's eyes forever.
He swore he would love her forever.
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- forever smile
- love you forever
- kick the buddy forever
- to forever
- castled forever gina robinson
- make up forever
- forever i
- best forever
- be my forever
- rameses b forever