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词汇 disaster strikes
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disaster movies───灾难大电影(电影名)

go-faster stripes───快走条纹

climate strikes───气候袭击

disaster area───灾区;一塌糊涂的人

disaster areas───灾区;一塌糊涂的人

disaster movie───灾难大电影(电影名)

disaster relief───赈灾;灾难援助

disaster reliefs───赈灾;灾难援助

disaster zones───灾区


Disaster strikes one's head.───大祸临头。

If an earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks.───如果地震、飓风或其他的灾害突袭你的家园,你可能会好几天甚至好几个星期都无法获得食物、水和电。

Usually what happens is a disaster strikes.───通常是发生了一场灾难。

Therefore, when disaster strikes, companies must be prepared to eliminate or minimize data loss, and recover quickly with useable data.───因此,当灾难发生时,企业必须消除或减小数据损失,并且利用备份数据恢复。

So, when a disaster strikes, the damage is often widespread.───因此当灾难袭来,建筑常常是大面积损毁。

When the next disaster strikes, we have to do it all over again.───当下一次灾难袭来时,我们不得不从头再来一遍。

Normally, when a disaster strikes, whether man-made or natural, we begin with a range of theories, some less plausible than others.───通常来说,当一场灾难降临,不管是天灾还是人祸,开头时我们都会提出一系列理论,有些比较有道理,有些则说不太通。

The time to get such a loan is obviously before disaster strikes. The appraisal might not go so well after your house is flattened.───当然在灾害来临前你就得取得这样的贷款,房子被损毁后估价当然要打折扣了。

Making backups is essential because problems inevitably occur and you need to be in a position to take action when disaster strikes.───制作文件备份非常地重要,因为问题不可避免地发生,而且当问题发生之时,你应该能够采取应对措施。


If in doubt, ask your insurance agent - and read your policy before disaster strikes.

If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse, overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode.

But most of this growing population is poor and marginalised, even before disaster strikes.

I've got a life insurance policy that will look after my family if disaster strikes.

When disaster strikes , a troubling human response can inflate the death toll: people freeze up.

When a major disaster strikes, the local Red Cross society coordinates the response.

If disaster strikes again, he expects to find a sympathetic ear at the White House.

What happens before disaster strikes and long after journalists have forgotten it matters even more than rescue and relief.

Why, then, should their lives be of less value when disaster strikes?

  • disaster at buzz creek
  • disaster recovery




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