赈灾; 灾难援助
disaster reliefs───赈灾;灾难援助
disaster movie───灾难大电影(电影名)
disaster movies───灾难大电影(电影名)
disaster recovery───灾难复原
disaster strikes───灾难性打击
disaster area───灾区;一塌糊涂的人
disaster areas───灾区;一塌糊涂的人
disaster zone───灾区
disaster zones───灾区
Disaster relief emergency fund appropriation mechanism.───救灾应急资金拨付机制.
Disaster relief is also commonly cited as a reason to have a bigger navy.───灾难应对也作为拥有更强的海军的理由而被常常引用.
Timely dispatch special task forces to disaster - hit areas for investigation and disaster - relief guidance.───及时派出工作组赴灾区调查、指导救灾.
Reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief.───储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资.
The response of Chinese churches towards disaster relief was generally slow and arose my deep concern.───环顾四周华人教会对灾难的反应,我实在是百感交集!
Disaster relief is priority right now. The need for medicine, water and food is most urgent.───救灾是当务之急, 医药 、 水、食品的需求最为紧迫.
People from the town and surrounding areas packed into blue tents provided by disaster relief officials.───来自城镇和周边地区的人们住进由救灾人员提供的蓝帐篷里.
Donating millions to disaster relief is charity, give a stranger a smile is also charity.───捐献几百万救灾是慈善, 给陌生人个微笑也是慈善.
They are trained in skills like water rescue, first aid and disaster relief.───他们受过水中救难 、 急救与救灾方面的技巧训练.
To avoid delays, she wanted the disaster relief legislation to be kept free of extraneous matters.───为避免延误,她希望无关紧要的事不被掺杂进灾害救济立法程序中。
Continue to Support Disaster Relief.───继续支持赈灾。
a disaster relief fund───赈灾专款
Actions for disaster relief donation should be standardized.───赈灾捐款应该规范化.
We should reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief.───我们必须储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资.
Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster - relief work.───抗洪救灾取得全面胜利.
Tenth, attaching importance to flood - control and disaster - relief work.───第十, 切实抓好防讯 抗灾 工作.
Disaster relief trumps disaster prevention in Brazil.───在巴西,灾害救济胜过灾害预防。
General comments: unwittingly, almost into the middle of evening, the Disaster Relief.───总评: 不知不觉, 晚会中段差点成赈灾义演了.
Disaster relief emergency fund appropriation mechanism.
Please support our disaster relief, rehabilitation and disaster preparedness work in Haiti.
We also help with disaster relief projects worldwide and support programmes for children in underprivileged areas.
a disaster relief fund.
One million dollars was allocated for disaster relief.
Participating in emergency and disaster relief work.
Management Delegation of authority, disaster relief objectives, press releases, safety plans, liaison plans.
This allowed disaster relief experts to construct a new stone wall to reinforce the dam.
One million dollars has been allocated for disaster relief.
- disaster at buzz creek
- disaster recovery