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词汇 did away with
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do away with───v.废除,去掉;弄死

doing away with───v.废除,去掉;弄死

does away with───v.废除,去掉;弄死

done away with───被废除(done是do的过去分词);被取消(done是do的过去分词)

get away with───侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱

got away with───v.逃避惩罚

ran away with───携物潜逃

run away with───轻易获得;偷走;同……私奔

to do away with───除掉


Eventually I saved one item from the maybe pile, and dutifully did away with the rest.───最后我又从待处理品堆里留了一件,很自觉地把剩余的都处理掉了。

He finally did away with his bad habit.───他最终改掉了坏习惯。

He thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy.───他认为该废除君主制了。

So Scar did away with both of them, killing Mufasa and banishing Simba, and, as a result, he got to be king for a descent amount of time.───所以刀疤把他们两个都解决了——杀了穆法沙,赶走了辛巴,所以,他才在国王的宝座上做了挺长一段时间。

Moreover, the advent of the telegraph did away with much of the speculation that had previously been a staple of American newspapers.───此外,电报的出现,取消了此前曾是美国报纸主题的大量思考。

Blake was disliked by everyone in the office, and Morse did away with him by firing him.───办公室里的人都不喜欢布莱克,莫尔斯开除了他,赶走了他。

The Renaissance did away with the dark domination of theology in the Middle Ages in Europe.───著名的文艺复兴运动,打破了欧洲中世纪的黑暗神学统治。

This was not only convenient, but also did away with the kind of replacement depots which so demoralized our young officers during the war.───这种办法不但方便,而且免除了在战争时期使年轻的美国军官十分不满意的那种军官补充站之类机构。

Almost all big democracies have bicameral systems (an exception is New Zealand, which did away with its Legislative Council in 1951).───几乎所有大型民主政体都是两会制(新西兰除外,该国1951年废止了参议院)。


The robbers did away with their victims.

In 1927 , the peasants did away with the reactionary big landlord.

The government did away with free school meals.

They did away with the ether 100 years ago or so, and settled for empty space.

Davis, though, did away with all that.

They elevated and articulated arses , did away with the need for corsets and bustles and whalebone.

They did away with the law.

It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.

She thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy.

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