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词汇 department of homeland security
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Department of Social Security───社会保障部

the Department of Social Security───社会保障部

Department of Veterans Affairs───美国退伍军人事务部

Department of Defense───国防部

homeland security───国土安全;国家安全

Department of External Affairs───外交部

Department of Health───卫生署


Remember how he was opposed to the Department of Homeland Security until he was for it?───五年前,美国国土安全部调查了一起运自泰国的可疑货物案件,发现了一块史前的骨骼化石。

How, if at all, should the Department of Homeland Security be restructured?───记得当初他采纳国家安全部意见之前他是如何反对的吗?

the united states company must file a petition with the u . s . department of homeland security ( dhs ) for a work permit for the applicant.───在美国的公司(呈请人)必须为签证申请人(受益人)到美国国土安全部申报工作许可纸。

Russ Knocke, spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said the US was "comfortable" with the EU having a reciprocal system.───美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)发言人鲁斯-诺克(RussKnocke)表示,美国对欧盟采取对应机制的做法“感到欣然”。

And would the Department of Homeland Security have developed into such a disaster if Congress had been more critical from the start?───如果国会能在一开始的时候就保持其批判立场,本土安全部门是否会变成现在这样一个灾难?

The Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for an interview or comment.───国家安全部不会对采访或者评论的请求做任何反应。

The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department have no specific regulations regarding pregnant foreign visitors like Chen.───对于类似陈这样的外国怀孕游客,国土局和国务院没有明确的规定。

Finally, just last month, the Department of Homeland Security increased immigration and naturalization fees by an average of 66 percent.───最后,就在上个月,国土安全部把移民和归化费平均提高了66%。


the Department of Homeland Security.

Yet in the first-ever quadrennial security review released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last month, subways are mentioned only once in the 108-page report.

Philip Mudd , a respected intelligence man currently on secondment to the FBI, pulled out of his nomination to the senior intelligence post in the Department of Homeland Security.

Schools have to report legal violations by international students to the Department of Homeland Security.

To take a flight within the United States, I must go through airport security, which is administered by the Transportation Security Administration, part of the Department of Homeland Security.

In one corner is the Department of Homeland Security, which operates the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a body set up to co-ordinate America's various cyber-security efforts.

Overthe past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has beencreated.

To date, the Department of Homeland Security has found no fewer than 16 holes in the BlackBerry's security blanket.

For Washington's Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), shamed by a slow and inadequate response to Katrina in 2005, Irene presents a special test.

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