Dare to die
敢死士───dare to die
Bold overbearing fellows, you dare to come here, then you must die here.───大胆的傲慢人,你敢来这里,然后你一定在这里死。
Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try. ----Mary Kay Ash.───大多数人都是壮志未酬身先死,因为他们从来不敢去尝试。 ---玫琳凯。艾施。
The Chinese dare to die such as return of spirit perhaps you haven't accepted?───中国人誓死如归的精神也许你们还没领教过吧?
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.───为义人死,是少有的;为仁人死、或者有敢做的。
Does not want "the dare-to-die corps" the type charge, presents the tangled warfare, fights with bayonets scene.───不允许投掷任何物体。不要“敢死队”式的冲锋,出现混战,拼刺刀的场景。
A dare-to-die corps was formed in order to attack the block-house.───为攻占碉堡组织了一支敢死队。
- 敢死士用英语怎么说
- i dare say
- daredemo daisuki
- dared hk
- dare to fire
- dare to do sth
- dare a dream
- you dare not ask
- dared mc7
- i dare not
- frigidare efr751