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词汇 debate with
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deal with───处理;涉及;做生意

deals with───处理;涉及;做生意

dealt with───处理;与…交易(dealwith的过去式、过去分词)

bear with───忍受;宽容

beared with───有胡子的

bears with───忍受;宽容



Carole Simpson of ABC News moderated the debate with questions from the audience.───美国广播公司新闻频道的卡罗尔·辛普森主持了由观众发问的这场辩论。

of the most important things I learned is not to debate with a negative person.───这是我学到最重要的一条,不要跟消极的人争论!

I need some tolerance juice to calm down after the heated debate with my boss.───跟我老板激烈争论过后,我需要喝点“容忍果汁”让我平静下来。

Anyone who has had the misfortune to be involved in a debate with any of these people will have noticed that they are impervious to facts.───任何已不幸被卷入这场和他们进行争论的人都已发现他们对事实无动于衷。

To test him and try to get him into trouble with legal experts, some religious leaders wanted to debate with him on this subject.───一些宗教领袖为了试验耶稣,令祂和律法师产生纠纷,便想和祂谈论离婚这个问题。

Hillary sat at the President's table and got into a debate with him about how bad Americas infant-mortality rate was.───希拉里坐在总统那一桌,她和总统就美国婴儿死亡率有多高争论起来。

At such a talk, students may ask the speaker questions, compare notes with him and even debate with him. The truth emerges in debates.───在讲座上,学生可以提问,与人大代表和政协委员交流,甚至辩论,使真理愈辩愈明。

'I would happily go to debate with any person to see whether what China has committed is less or more than another country, ' he said.───他说,我很高兴与任何人进行辩论,看看中国的承诺是比其他国家多还是少;

In McCain's first debate with Obama, the two rivals were asked what they would do to lead the United States out of its present crisis.───在麦凯恩和奥巴马的首场辩论中,两位候选人被问及他们将怎样领导美国走出当前危机。


In doing so, they replace debate with assertion, and pull an essay away from patterns of reasoned argument.

These have been the subject of intense debate, with religious preferences sometimes intruding.

I carelessly accepted an invitation to debate with Mrs Williams on the future of social democracy etc on the radio.

However, I can debate with anyone and at any stage that Gibson was right at the time for the Dams.

In a vice presidential debate with then-Sen.

The proposal has produced a spirited debate, with papers for and against circulating in senior common rooms.

And every day more crazies who debate With phantom enemies on the street.

Even the slightest interface aspect could trigger a heated debate, with adherents of opposing solutions arguing with near-Jesuitical intensity.

Clarke engaged in a vigorous debate with the doctors but found public sympathy running against him.

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