

词汇 dead loads
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dead load───[建]恒载;静负荷

bed loads───[水利]推移质;底沙;底负载

dead loss───完全损失;无用的人或物;白费时间

dead woods───n.死木头,无用的人;无用的物

head lads───头儿们


peak loads───最大负载

dead losses───完全损失;无用的人或物;白费时间

bed load───[水利]推移质;底沙;底负载


Using this method can only determine cable forces caused by dead loads, but can't by live loads.───使用该方法只能确定由恒载引起的索力,无法计入活载的影响。

Horizontal shores must be designed to support the dead loads, live loads and any special circumstance loading.───两岸横向的设计必须能够支持死荷载,活荷载和任何特殊情况加载。

She has ice-cream most every day--dead loads of it.───她几乎每天都有冰淇淋——一大堆。

The loads for which a building must be designed may be classified into dead loads, vertical live loads, and lateral live loads.───设计建筑物必须考虑的荷载可分为恒载、竖直活荷载和侧向活荷载。

Floor fills or other special floor finishes can result in significant dead loads.───楼板填充物或其它特殊楼板饰面会产生很大恒载。

and there's the old ha'nted house up the Still-House branch, and there's lots of dead limb trees -- dead loads of 'em.───在鬼屋河岸上,有间闹鬼的老宅,那儿还有许许多多的枯树——多得很呢。

Internal forces caused by temperatures allow of no ignorance because this kind of forces probably exceeds those caused by dead loads.───这种由温度引起的内力有时会超过由恒载引起的内力,在设计与施工当中是不容忽视的。

she has it most every day - dead loads of it . and she ll be awful glad to have us .───她有冰淇淋,几乎每天吃多得不得了,我们去,她一准喜欢得要命。

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