dead horses───预付的工资;旧债;无益的事
dray horse───马匹
sea horse───海马
dead losses───完全损失;无用的人或物;白费时间
dray horses───马匹
dark horse───黑马(出人意外获胜的赛马或参赛人);(美)“黑马”候选人(常因各方妥协而意外获得提名或当选)
dead airs───静气;闭塞空气;停滞的空气
dead loss───完全损失;无用的人或物;白费时间
You're flogging a dead horse by asking him to lend you money.───你向他借钱是白费力气.
We say this is like a beating a dead horse.───我们说,这像是打一匹死马.
$ 6,000 and a dead horse and I never have to hear from you again?───六千美元和一匹死马我就可以再也不用听到你消息了?
Kyle: He's really flogging a dead horse now.───凯尔: 他现在根本就是白费唇舌.
He's flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads.───他拼命地劝人不要使用公路而去使用运河,真是枉费口舌.
When the matter is settled, it is no use beating a dead horse.───事情既已成了定局, 再提也属枉然.
I've already made up my mind. There's no sense flogging a dead horse.───我已经下了决心,不必再白费口舌了.
Arguing this problem is beating a dead horse.───这个问题有什么好争的.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but it is very important that you understand this before you leave.───我不想多此一举,但你离开以前必须了解这个。
is useless to flog a dead horse.───死马无益;勿旧调重弹。
They flayed the dead horse.───他们剥了那匹死马的皮.
Don't try to flog a dead horse.───鞭打死马,无济于事.
I've already made up my mind. There's no sense beating a dead horse.───偶已经下了决心,不要再白费口舌了.
Trying to get a financial contribution from Mark is flogging a dead horse.───企图从迈克那得到财政援助是徒劳无益的.
Stop arguing ! You have won your point. You are just beating a dead horse.───我一直想说服鲍勃和我们一起来这里 跳舞,但这是在白费口舌,因为他说他不喜欢.
dead horse is quite different from a black horse.───死马和黑马是不一样的。
I have already made up my mind, there's no sense flogging a dead horse.───我已下定决心, 不必再白费口舌了.
We say this is like beating a dead horse.───我们说这就象是白费劲.
Pam's flogging a dead horse trying to organize the theatre trip. It's quite obvious that nobody's interested.
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