

词汇 Danger Zone
释义 Danger Zone
Danger Zone发音




danger zones───危险区;危险地带

danger money───[劳经]危险工作津贴;危险工作的额外报酬

danger moneys───[劳经]危险工作津贴;危险工作的额外报酬

danger monies───危险货币

danger point───危险点

danger man───n.危险人物

danger men───n.危险人物

danger points───危险点

disaster zone───灾区


They were a hundred feet clear of the danger zone.───他们离危险区域还有一百英尺远.

The M.D. : When anger reaches the danger zone.───医学博士:当愤怒达到危险区域。

The road lead to severely danger zone , our cross - country cars overpasses the coasts fleetly and carefully.───通向极重灾区的道路险象环生, 我们的车子从滑坡下小心翼翼的快速通过.

The potential for injury is always there, but can be minimized by avoiding The Danger Zone.───危险是一直存在的, 但是工作时避免将手放到危险区域,可以把危险降到最低.

Gas - masks had been issued to everyone before they entered the danger zone.───在他们进入危险区之前,每人都发了防毒面具.

They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along.───他们绕过危险地带疾驶而去.

Do not enter the danger zone!───切勿进入危险区!

Your body has another cancer danger zone.───你的身体上有另一个癌症危险区。

Danger zone division is one of the effective ways in natural disaster management and prevention.───危险区区划是自然灾害管理及其防治的一种有效工具和途径.

Evacuates the danger zone immediately, when has the wind must attention running free runs.───马上撤离危险地带, 在有风时要注意顺风跑.

Don't come into the danger zone.───不要进入危险地带.

The express purpose of the flights was to get Americans out of the danger zone.───这些航班的特定目的是让美国人离开该险区。

They were hurried out of the danger zone.───他们被匆忙带出危险区.


Do not enter the danger zone!





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