Catch the bug
She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts.───她从不放过任何博取公众欢心的机会。
How did the thieves worm their way in?───盗贼是怎样钻入的?
Now the worm turns, and his wife Elizabeth chucks him out and takes a lover herself.───现在他妻子伊丽莎白被逼急了,把他撵了出去,自己找了个情人。
To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.───就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。
[ Mike Narrating ] Worm and I fall into our old rhythm like Clyde Frazier and Pearl Monroe.───[ 迈克叙述 ] 虫子和我配合得象以前一样默契我们两好象是克莱德.弗瑞泽和佩尔. 门罗.
I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion.───我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个样子很可笑,很不雅观。
The worm inched along.───那条虫向前蠕动.
For Bluetooth worm propagation, a determining factor is moving velocity of smart phone in mobile environment.───对于蓝牙环境下智能手机蠕虫病毒的传播, 手机的移动速度是一个重要因素.
The bird had a worm in its beak.
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