

词汇 miss the bus
释义 miss the bus
miss the bus发音




miss the cut───(高尔夫)(四场制赛)未取得进入后两场比赛资格

miss the boat───错失良机

miss the mark───没打中目标;没达到目的

pass the buck───推卸责任

get the bus───上车

park the bus───停车

to miss the boat───错过了船

cross the bar───去世

makes the bed───铺床,整理床铺


How the heck did you miss the bus?───你怎么会未赶上公共汽车?

You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus.───你必须早点走, 否则就赶不上公共汽车了.

You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.───如果你不赶快点,你会赶不上公共汽车.

Did you miss the bus?───你错过公共汽车了?

Supposing you miss the bus, do you plan to walk there?───要是赶不上汽车, 你准备走去 吗 ?

On his account we miss the bus.───由于他的原因,我们没赶上公共汽车.

your skates on or you'll miss the bus.───快点,要不你就赶不上公共汽车了。

Set out ahead of time, and you are much less likely to miss the bus.───出发,你就能不太可能会错过巴士了。

You'd better get going or you miss the bus.───你最好出发,否则你会赶不上公共汽车.

You will miss the bus unless you get up right now.───如果不马上起床,你会误公共汽车的.

Make up your mind, you'll miss the bus.───快拿定主意吧, 否则你会坐失良机.

It is a pity that you should miss the bus.───真遗憾,你错过了那班公共汽车.

Hurry up! If you don't run fast, you will miss the bus.───快点! 如果你不跑快点就要错过火车了.

I must be trotting along now or I'll miss the bus.───我现在该出发了,否则赶不上公共汽车.

We have to get going or we will miss the bus.───我们必须出发了,不然我们会错过公车.

We must hurry off lest we should miss the bus.───我们得赶快走了,以免赶不上汽车.

We'd better leave now or we'll miss the bus.───我们最好现在就走,不然就赶不上公共汽车了。

On receiving this message I minuted in red ink in the margin, " Don't miss the bus ".───在看完这份电文时,我用红笔在旁边批道, “ 不要错过时机. ”


On his account we miss the bus.

  • miss go
  • mission controller
  • miss long
  • missing operating system
  • missal realty
  • miss parents
  • miss with me
  • miss cnep
  • miss you die
  • misstatement risk
  • miss fan
  • miss better
  • miss baby
  • mission bay
  • missed approach
  • miss zhao
  • miss rain
  • miss the boat
  • miss you too
  • miss the mark
  • miss like




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