

词汇 把我们班分成四组用英语怎么说
释义 把我们班分成四组用英语怎么说

Divide our class into four groups




Each class has a register of 50 students.───每班注册有50个学生.

Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.───党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层.

Peter made the most mistakes of all the class.───全班同学中,彼得出的错最多.

She infected the whole class with her laughter.───他的笑声感染了全班同学.

I really care about the students in my class.───我的确喜欢这个班上的学生.

I'm taking a typing class.───我在上一个打字班。

We use a globe in our geography class.───我们在地理课上使用地球仪.

Let's go home together after class ( is over ).───下课以后我们一起回家.

Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.───玛丽的兴致感染了全班的女孩.

Now the class is under the new teacher's feet.───现在这个班已完全在这位新老师的控制之下.


That dictionary belongs to the class.

You should adapt yourself to the new class.

His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class.

The class teacher called the register.

Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

Class differences can divide a nation.

He is the cleverest boy in the class.

Officers are entitled to travel first class.

There is too much noise in this class.

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