My bird
It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness.───无可争辩的是,英国的鸟类携带着这种疾病的病菌。
Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera.───很少有鸟类会在镜头面前梳理自己的羽毛。
Most birds are monogamous.───大多数飞禽都是单配性的。
The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.───鸟儿们紧贴在墙上,啄着砖缝。
A flock of birds flew towards us slowly from far away.───一群鸟儿从远处朝我们缓缓飞来。
It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.───最好能克制住好奇心,不要去碰鸟巢。
The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant.───远处传来庭园小鸟的鸣啭。
The mud is a feeding ground for large numbers of birds.───大批鸟儿来这块泥地觅食。
Clumsy birds have to start flying early.
Old birds are not to be caught with shaff.
Old birds are not caught with new nests.
The crow thinks her own birds fairest.
Fine feathers do not make fine birds.
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