cult classics───有关邪教的经典作品
cuddle classes───拥抱类
loci classici───经典位置
culture clashes───文化冲突
locus classicus───n.(拉)常被引证的章句;(拉)最具权威的章节(等于standardpassage)
art class───美术课
club class───(飞机等的)公务级
This is a true cult classic.───这个真的是一部cult经典之作。
This cult classic was published in 1954 and has sold 150 million copies worldwide.───这部经典作品自1954年出版以来,在全世界售出1.5亿本。
A remake of the cult classic.───电影翻拍自同名的邪典电影。
Once out of print, the few copies in existence circulated for years, read and reread as an underground cult classic.───在绝版后,留存于世的这些书在数年间一直在流通,被人当作一种地下宗教的经典之作反复品读。
In 1985 Disney made a sequel to Wizard of Oz named Return to Oz. It has since become a cult classic.───1985年,迪士尼拍的续集《重回奥兹国》,成了一部广受喜爱的经典。
A cult classic, The Avengers ran for 7 seasons.───作为另类电影的经典,复仇者播放了7季之久。
Slated by critics at the time, the film has since become a cult classic.
But I look forward to seeing its reputation flower into a cult classic for ever young in midnight screenings on the student circuit.
The film is destined to become a cult classic.
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