

词汇 cross the threshold
释义 cross the threshold
cross the threshold发音

跨进门内; 入门


cross the road───过马路

absolute threshold───绝对阈值

cross the pond───穿过池塘

on the threshold of───在...的开端

absolute thresholds───绝对阈值

boredom threshold───无聊阈值

cross the Rubicon───跨过卢比肯河;破釜沉舟;孤注一掷;痛下决心


Once you cross the threshold of profitability, however low, your runway becomes infinite.───你一旦突破盈利点, 不管盈利多么微乎其微, 你的跑道将无限延长.

Oliver: I'll tell you after we cross the threshold.───奥利弗: 等我们过了门槛我再告诉你.

He had never cross the threshold of a college before.───他从来没上过大学.

cross the threshold into the next century, human society is beginning its move from the industrial economy into the knowledge-based economy.───跨世纪的年代,人类社会正开始从工业经济这第二阶段开始转入知识经济的第三阶段。

He backed into his doorway, determined not to let Jack cross the threshold.───他退回到门口, 下定决心不让杰克跨过门槛.

To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery is another question.───入门不难, 深造不易.

I'll never cross the threshold of your house again.───我再也不进你的家门了.

To avoid dripping water all over your (or anyone else's) house on a rainy day, pop your wet umbrella into a bag as you cross the threshold.───防止从雨伞上滴落的雨滴弄湿房间的地板,在你跨进门槛之前,可以用塑料袋把湿伞装起来。

They are produced by endosomatic stimuli, only some of which cross the threshold of consciousness.───他们是由体内的刺激所产生的,并只有一部分越过了意识的阀限。


To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery is another question.

When people do cross the threshold of the church, do we make it easy for them to take that step?

I'll never cross the threshold of your house again.

Fashionistas cross the threshold and instantly reach out to touch not only the garments, but also draperies of natural silk and translucent voile, not to mention custom-carpeted floor areas.

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