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词汇 cropping season
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growing season───生长期,生育期;生长季节

;eeding season───繁殖期;繁殖季节;生殖季

cuffing season───想要找固定伴侣的(秋冬)季节;骚动季节(电影名,CuffingSeason);骚动季节(歌名,CuffingSeason)

growing seasons───生长季节

racing season───比赛季节

rutting season───配种季节

;eeding seasons───繁殖季节

crossing section───[数]横截面;样品;有代表性的实例

flowering season───花候


Are several crops cultivated during this year's cropping season on the same field? If yes, please indicate which is the first and which is the second crop.───今年的种植季期间同一地块上是否种植多种作物?如果是,请指出第一作物、第二作物分别是什么。

Its cropping season does not clash with other crops, and it requires only two rounds of irrigation, which farmers in small land holdings with little access to water can manage.───其种植季节与其他作物并不冲突,而且它仅仅需要灌溉两次,这样在小块土地上的农民不需要多少水就能够种植了。

In farmer field Schools, farmers and facilitators spend one morning a week during the cropping season in a typical field, observing insect behaviour and plant growth rates.───在农民田间学校,农民和辅导员利用耕作季节,每周有一个上午在典型地块里对昆虫的行为和作物的生长速度进行观察。

But when they converted to biodynamic farming, they were able to repay their debt after only one cropping season.───不过他们转用生物动态耕种后,在一造农作物之后,就可还清欠债。

Asesor stresses that livestock is a vital component of a farm; it has helped his family survive the second cropping season.───Asesor强调,牲畜是农场重要的一部分,可以协助一家渡过一年中第二造的日子。

Correlation among Eating Quality and Cooking, Apparent and Milling Qualities of South-China Indica Rice in the Early-cropping Season───华南籼稻早造稻米蒸煮、外观和碾米品质与食味品质的相关性研究

Occurrence and control experiment of major pests and diseases on rice of intermediate-late maturity in one-cropping season in Guangzhou───广州地区一季中晚稻病虫害发生规律及防治试验

Strategy and advance of breeding for rice of intermediate-late maturity in one-cropping season in South China───华南一季中晚稻育种战略与研究进展

Preliminary report on experiment of rice of intermediate-late maturity in one-cropping season in "123 farming pattern" in Dongguan───东莞市“123种植模式”一季中晚稻试验初报


Growing azolla has less effect on increasing the grain yield in present cropping season, however, azolla incorporated as manure the rice grain yield of present season increased by 5%.

  • cropping ratio
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