

词汇 critical value
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critical values───临界值

critical volume───临界容积;[核]临界体积

critical volumes───临界容积;[核]临界体积

critical issue───关键问题;重要的问题

critical role───关键角色;关键作用

critical masses───临界质量

capital value───[经]资本价值

critical angle───n.[物][航]临界角(物理,航空)

critical mass───临界质量


When the bottom hole pressure decreases to a critical value, the matrix will begin to yield.───随着井底流压降至某一临界值, 岩石骨架开始出现屈服.

For the widely used material CuCr 50, the current critical value scope about the order of mA.───对目前应用广泛的CuCr50触头材料而言, 此电流临界值范围为mA数量级.

The critical value of previous cyclic loading would change with different fines content.───而此临界前期反复荷重的门槛值随不同细粒料含量而变动.

Why is the Critical value important?───为什么临界值很重要呢?

This same critical value applies to global resources coding the solution.───相同的关键价值运用于全球性资源,从而编码方案。

Adiabatic shear instability will take place when the normal component of particle velocity excesses critical value.───发生绝热剪切失稳的条件是入射速度的法向分最大于碰撞过程的临界速度.

The critical value of carbon increasing for FCW is about 0.05 %.───对于药芯焊丝,增碳的门槛值在0.05%左右.

Because 9.55 > 3.78, the 1 % level critical value, we reject the joint hypothesis.───因为9.55>3.78, 其中3.78为1%水平的临界值, 我们拒绝联合假设.

In this study, the obtained Chi Square value was larger then the Critical value.───在本文中,获得的 X 平方分布值大于临界值。

The critical value of the constants given above was predicted.───预测了各参数的临界值.

When compressive stress reaches zero, a critical value of the post - peak Poisson's ratio is achieved.───当压缩应力降至零时, 峰后泊松比达到临界值.

When the load amplitude is above a critical value, the bucket settles obviously during loading.───当载荷幅值超过一定值时,在激振过程中桶产生了明显的沉降, 桶的沉降较远处土体明显地快.

Moreover this apper studies hydrogeochemical critical value of solute precipitation according to compute saturation index.───通过计算饱和指数,确定溶质水解沉淀的水文地球化学条件临界值.

  • critical region
  • critical factor
  • critical care
  • criticalness define
  • critical review
  • critical state
  • critical angle
  • critical time
  • critical point




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