court orders───法院命令;法院指令
bunt order───邦特订单
care order───照管令
short order───快餐
word order───[语]词序
work order───工作定单;工作指令
court reporter───法院书记官
court jester───弄臣;宫廷小丑(电影名,TheCourtJester)
The court order divests the company of all its assets.───法院指令剝夺了公司的所有资产.
She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.───对于法院禁止她饲养动物的指令,她决定不再上诉。
He was deported on a court order following a conviction for the armed robbery.───他在法庭的命令下被遣送,由于被宣判武装抢劫.
Court order for disclosure of consumer reports.───要求披露消费者报告的法院命令.
A homestead cannot be the subject of sale by court order to satisfy creditor.───法院面对的另一个问题是这些危害的迹象是否足以达到《洁净水法案》的要求.
Court order, make a garnishee pay money to a judgment creditor.───法院发出的让第三债务人向判定债权人付还债务的命令.
I confirm that I have not been disqualified by Court Order from being a Director.───本人确认不曾被法庭取消担任董事资格.
She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.───她已决定不对禁止她养动物的判决上诉。
Those three challenged the court order.───他们三人都对这项法庭裁决表示了反对。
Six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.───六周后法院命令才生效.
Law An annulment acquittal ; dismissal, of a court order.───取消, 宣告无罪; 法院命令的撤销.
He refused to obey court order and was sent to prison for contempt.───他拒绝服从法院命令,因藐视法庭而被收监.
He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery.───法庭宣判其持械抢劫罪名成立后他被驱逐出境。
Authorities need a court order to access messages, emails and other communication.───官方需法院同意才能获取个人讯息 、 电邮或其他通讯设备的资料.
Injunction. This is a court order issued to a defendant.───禁令, 是指法庭对被告颁布的命令.
Law An annulment or acquittal; dismissal, as of a court order.───撤消,宣告无罪; 法院命令的撤销.
I this court. Order!───请维持法庭秩序秩序!
The appeal from the court order will be heard next month.───不服法院判决的上诉将于下月审理.
Court order which bind someone over.───法院责令某人守法的命令.
The company has complied with the court order.───公司遵守了法院的命令.
Scully: You can get a court order, and you can try to enforce it.───史卡利: 你可以取得法院命令, 你也可以试著执行.
By the time a court order was obtained the evidence could have been destroyed.───等到法院做出裁决,证据就可以被消毁了.
He refused to obey the court order and was sent to prison for contempt.───他拒绝服从法院命令,因藐视法院而被收监.
A homestead cannot be the subject of a sale by court order to satisfy creditor.───宅地不能成为法院命令的满足债权人所要求的销售对象.
In California, a court order allowing gay marriage was overturned by a referendum last year.───在加州, 一项允许同性婚姻的法院命令于去年被公民投票所推翻.
Money which a court order a husband to pay regularly to his separate or divorce wife.───法院命令丈夫定期向分居或被离婚妻子所付的钱.
It will require a court order to have Norris removed.───撤换诺里斯需要法庭的命令才行.
The judge issued a contempt citation against the woman for violating a previous court order.───法官对上一次拒不遵守庭谕的那名妇女发出了藐视法庭的传讯。
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