alternative fuel───[能源]代用燃料;可替代燃料;人造液体燃料
alternative fuels───替代燃料,代用燃料;替代能源
alternative venue───备选地点
alternative fact───另类事实
alternative plan───交替计划;可供选择的方案
alternative rock───另类摇滚
alternative way───可供选择的方法
alternative society───另类社会
alternative comedy───另类喜剧
But there is an alternative view.───但是也有另外一种观点。
The alternative view that we're going to consider is not dualist, but monist.───另外一个我们将要顾及的观点不是二元学说,是一元论学说。
The alternative view is sceptical of, or even downright hostile to, the modern food business.───另一种观点对现代食品业持怀疑态度,甚至是彻头彻尾的敌视。
Of course, an alternative view might be (that) it's not easy to persuade people to drive less and walk more.───当然,另一种见解可能是,要说服人们少乘车多走路并不容易。
It took going to Jerusalem on Easter morning out to the empty tombs to really trigger an acceptance of this alternative view.───复活节早上前往耶路撒冷空墓的路途真正触发了我对这种观点的接受。
You can use the alternative view of mapping groups in Rational Data Architect to evaluate and define joins of any complexity.───你可以使用RationalDataArchitect中映射组的替代来评估和定义连接的复杂性。
We do not hesitate to speak out when we see a need for an alternative view, or when we think that a danger might be overlooked.───当我们察觉社会需要不同意见,又或者某些风险被忽略了的时候,我们会毫不犹豫地提出。
The alternative view is that the private sector is working only for a thin layer of winners at the top; government should play Robin Hood.───另一种观点是,私营部门只为金字塔顶端的少数赢家谋利,政府应当扮演劫富济贫的罗宾汉(RobinHood)。
An alternative view emphasizes the likelihood that some countries can utilize such opportunities to their competitive advantage.───另一种观点强调,一些国家可以利用这些机会加强其竞争优势。
An alternative view is found in Wille, above.
The alternative view is that so - called imbalances are the natural outcome of international borrowing and lending.
An alternative view of the matter is that the key variable is not the libidos of the politicians but the vigilance of the agencies, public and private, that keep a squinty eye on them.
Chapter 3 offers an alternative view of mainstream modernism-as fundamentally pragmatic, optimistic and urban.
There was an alternative view, however, that forcing the pace was necessary if real change was to be effected.
The alternative view that we're going to consider is not dualist, but monist.
An alternative view is that s.64 is restricted to explosives because it falls within the part of the Act dealing with explosives.
An alternative view, however, suggests that enlightened self-interest is more likely than regulatory compulsion to bring about truly sustainable activities.
The nearest alternative view is that there are universals, but not as many as the universalist accepts.
- alternative explanations
- alternative apparel
- alternative question