

词汇 尽管遇到麻烦用英语怎么说
释义 尽管遇到麻烦用英语怎么说

In spite of the trouble




The car's got some sort of engine trouble again.───车子的引擎又出了什么故障.

We must prevent the trouble from spreading.───我们必须防止这个乱子扩大.

I know you've been a conscientious worker , content with your lot and not giving any trouble.───我知道你是个好人, 你是安分守己的.

But you must be more moderate in your drinking. Too much wine can easily lead to serious trouble!───不过以后喝酒要适可而止,喝多了容易误事!

She experienced a joy in helping others in trouble.───她感受到了帮助有困难的人带来的快乐.

He took the trouble to gather the materials for me.───他不辞辛劳地为我收集资料.

You may spare yourself the trouble.───你不必费神.

She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.───20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。

The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong.───她的毛病是太固执.

Are you causing trouble again?───你又在惹麻烦吗?


We don't anticipate any trouble.

Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.

I don't want to cause you trouble.

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.

The company is in desperate trouble financially.

A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

Never (or Don't) trouble trouble till trouble troulbes you.

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  • provoking trouble
  • troubles synonym
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  • troubled by excessive visitors
  • money Trouble
  • take the trouble to do
  • heart trouble
  • harmayeyes on yuntroubled
  • any trouble
  • No trouble




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