

词汇 abstinence syndrome
释义 abstinence syndrome
abstinence syndrome发音



abstinence syndromes───脱瘾综合征

Cushing's syndrome───[内科]库兴氏综合征(由于各种原因引起的肾上腺糖皮质激素慢性分泌过多,表现为肥胖伴有高血压等一系列症状);垂体嗜碱细胞增殖

abstinence theories───节欲说

abstinence theory───节欲说

Parkinson's syndrome───帕金森氏综合征

Asperger syndrome───asperger综合征

China syndrome───核事故灾难;《中国综合征》(电影名)

Cushings syndromes───库欣综合征

Gorlin syndrome───戈林综合征


Conclusion Acupuncture on points of the Governor Vessel has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on heroin dependence withdrawal syndrome and can effectively relieve abstinence symptoms.───结论:针刺督脉穴对海洛因依赖戒断综合征症状有辅助治疗作用,能有效缓解戒断症状。

Objective : To evaluate the treatment of protracted opioid abstinence syndrome by corydalis yanhusuo capsule.───目的: 中药复方元胡治疗阿片类依赖稽延性戒断综合征.

Objective To probe a non drug therapy in the treatment of opiums drugs abstinence syndrome.───目的探索一种治疗阿片类毒品戒断综合征的非药物疗法.

Conclusion: Acupunctureplay good regulation role in the course of improving morphine abstinence syndrome by inhibiting NOS activity and decreasing NO production.───结论:针刺通过抑制NOS活力与NO生成,在改善吗啡戒断症状过程中起到良性调节作用。

Acupuncture and moxibustion has a definite action on the withdrawal syndrome and it is popular as an adjuvant therapy of abstinence.───的症状仍需药物处理。 从尿检转阴的情况来看,针灸的脱毒作用是肯定的。


ECG changes similar to those due to acute alcohol intoxication are also present in acute abstinence syndrome, especially in delirium tremens.

Objective:Research and development of anesthetization process plan of Abstinence syndrome occurring in the on-operation toxicomania patients.

Objective : To evaluate the treatment of protracted opioid abstinence syndrome by corydalis yanhusuo capsule.

  • abstinence only
  • abstinence score
  • abstinence no




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