

词汇 countervailing duty
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countervailing duties───反补贴税;反倾销税;抵销性关税



countersinking bit───埋头钻





So far the EU, although it is watching the US case closely and reviewing its own use of trade defence instruments, has not followed suit with a countervailing duty case.───为止,尽管欧盟一直在密切关注美国的案件,审议自己对贸易防卫手段的使用,但它并没有效仿美国的做法,提起反补贴税案。

If domestic producers are hurt by imports of subsidized products, countervailing duty can be imposed.───如果因为进口被补贴过的产品,使得本国的生产商的利益受到损害, 成员方可以对其征收反补贴税.

Based on this argument, American Congress proposed the "Schumer Motion" on the morning of March 17th, along with more than 100 senators claiming to impose countervailing duty on Chinese merchandise.───基于这种论调,美国国会17日凌晨再次抛出“舒默议案”,还有100多名美国议员“呼吁”对中国输美产品征收反补贴税。

First, we urge the Department of Commerce to apply the U.S. countervailing duty law in defense of American companies who have suffered as a result of the currency manipulation.───首先,我们敦促商务部适用美国反补贴税法,以保护因汇率操纵承受损失的美国公司的利益。


Article 42 The countervailing duty shall be separately determined on the basis of the amount of subsidy of different export operators.

The U. S. countervailing duty law is subject to international rules promulgated as part of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Article 43 The amount of countervailing duty shall not exceed the amount of subsidies determined in the final awards.

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Article 41 The taxpayers of the countervailing duty shall be the import operators of the subsidized imports.

The countervailing duty law is a counterpart to the U.S. antidumping duty law.

First, we urge the Department of Commerce to apply the U.S. countervailing duty law in defense of American companies who have suffered as a result of the currency manipulation.

According to the countervailing duty petition, China is second only to the United States worldwide in the purchase of automobiles.

If China refuses, the United States imposes a countervailing duty on Chinese exports , say 25 percent.

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