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词汇 alpha particles
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alpha particle───n.阿尔法粒子

lambda particles───拉姆达粒子

J/psi particles───J/psi颗粒

beta particles───β粒子(某些放射性物质道衰变时放射出来的高速运动的电子,带负电)

delta particles───δ粒子

psi particles───psi颗粒

sigma particles───西格玛粒子

God particles───上帝粒子

Higgs particles───希格斯粒子


He shot alpha particles which have a charge of plus two.───他入射的阿尔法粒子带有两个正电荷。

Rutherford used alpha particles.───卢瑟福用的是阿尔法粒子。

we've got here is a source of alpha particles.───我们已经有了一个阿尔法粒子源。

Both uranium and plutonium are radioactive, and their activity consists in the emission of what are called "alpha particles"───铀和钚二者都具有放射性,它们的放射性包括放射所谓α粒子。

As radon progeny decay, they emit radioactive alpha particles and attach to aerosols, dust and other particles in the air.───氡子核在衰变时发射出放射性阿尔法粒子,这些粒子可附着于空气中的浮质、灰尘及其它粒子。

the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay.───在放射性衰变的过程中放出α粒子的辐射。

Thomson fired a beam of alpha particles through an electric field. b.───汤姆逊经过一个电场发射地α粒子地光束。

This is because the radioactivity emanating from polonium-210 is in the form of highly energetic alpha particles.───这是因为钋—210的放射性是以高能阿尔法粒子的形式存在的。

When we breathe in radon, the alpha particles emitted in the decay process will cause damage to our lung tissue.───氡气在衰变过程中会放出粒子,当我们吸入氡气时,我们的肺部便会受粒子影响。


Alpha particles -- helium nuclei -- were being hurled through the tube, in which an artificial mist had been created.

Fresh soil samples, taken recently in the presence of journalists, are currently being investigated for gamma rays and alpha particles.

Helium is also made by radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, both of which decay by emission of alpha particles.

He shot alpha particles which have a charge of plus two.

Alpha particles are just high-energy 4He nuclei; after decelerating and picking up electrons, they become atoms of 4He.

The radiation emitted by these isotopes consists of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.

Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay.

Alpha particles positively charged helium nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay.

Most of the alpha particles would go right through the foil.

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