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Congressional Record───n.国会议事录

Congressional Medal───国会勋章

concession road───特许经营道路




criminal record───犯罪记录;[法]前科

Congressional district───国会选区

constitutional reform───宪政改革


The law permits us to release case status information only to applicants, petitioners, lawyers (of record) and Congressional offices.───法律允许我们释放事件的状态,信息只是为了申请,请愿人,律师(记录)和国会办公室。

Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies is distributing 240,000 free tickets for the ceremony, which is expected to attract record crowds.───就职典礼联合委员会”正向公众发放24万张免费观礼票,预计当天参加就职典礼的人数将创历史纪录。

The congressional record lists pages upon pages of trips, including one taken by eight congressmen and three staffers to Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.───国会记录里一页接一页的列着旅行的记录,其中包括8名议员和3名随行人员的一次澳大利亚,新西兰和南极之旅。

A research project at UNC-Chapel Hill is trying to develop a user-friendly filter for searching the Congressional Record.───北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校研究计划努力在发展一个对使用者界面友好的搜索国会记录的过滤网站。

Congressional Record: The official transcript of the proceedings of the U. S. Congress.───《国会议事录》(CongressionalRecord):美国国会会议的正式文字记录。

The Congressional Record, notes Mr Irwin, contains 20 pages of debate on the duty on tomatoes but very little on the reaction from abroad.───厄文注意到,国会历史记录中有20多页是关于番茄关税的辩论,却几乎没有涉及外国的反应。


Congressional Record: The official transcript of the proceedings of the U.S. Congress.

Legislators can review the Congressional Record before it is published to change or add a statement.

The congressional record lists pages upon pages of trips, including one taken by eight congressmen and three staffers to Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.

The material on which the congressional record is founded is done there every day in all seriousness.

It's a matter of US Congressional record that in the 50's and 60's the CIA conducted behaviour or mind control experiments using LSD etc. on innocent victims.

Consider other findings from the Congressional Record.

He scrawled them on pieces of newspaper, scraps of the Congressional Record, or junk mail that he picked up.

All floor debates and votes are published the following day in the Congressional

The bill is introduced in the Senate and/or House. It is assigned a number and its title and sponsors are published in the Congressional Record.





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