

词汇 confined space
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office space───办公地点

communal space───共享空间

confirmed case───确诊病例;证实个案

cramped space───狭小的空间

doubled space───n.两倍行距

infinite space───无限空间

inner space───内部空间;内心世界;(海面以下的)海洋空间;内宇宙空间(位于地球与外层空间之间)

limited space───有限场地

normed space───[数]赋范空间


In the car engine, air with petrol is taken into a confined space and compressed.───在汽车发动机, 空气混合汽油是考虑到密闭空间和压缩.

Safety watcher can not enter confined space.───安全监护人不得进入密闭空间.

Clear the area around the confined space for easier handling of any emergency.───清除限制区域周围的障碍物,以确保一切应急措施得以顺利执行.

Confined space purged, ventilated and cooled as necessary?───密闭空间空气已净化, 流通清爽?

Pressed ventilation in heading face is actually a restrained wall - attached jet ventilation in confined space.───独头巷道压入式通风是有限空间的受限贴附射流.

Having lots of young people who do not know each other trapped in a confined space is a perfect reality-TV format.───让一大群互相陌生的年轻人挤在逼仄的空间里,却是真人秀节目的完美题材。

And thats why we better to eliminate the need of confined space work.───而这也是为什么我们最好的方式是消除作业需求.

Work in the cold box is considered confined space work.───在低温试验箱里工作被认为是在狭隘的场地里工作.

His long legs bent up in the confined space.───他长长的双腿蜷缩在有限的空间里。

The atmospheric condition in the confined space is □ Safe □ Unsafe.───此密闭空间的空气情况属□安全□不安全.

His long legs bent up in the confined space.───他的两条长腿蜷在狭小的空间里。

The tree have grow sturdy even in this confined space.───虽然地方狭窄,这棵树依然长得茁壮.

Variational principles of smoke temperature are studied in confined space with water mist applying.───在受限空间通过模拟试验研究细水雾作用下烟气温度的变化规律.

Confined space entry - 2 Even with appropriate precautions, working inside a confined space can be extremely dangerous.───密闭空间 -2 即使有了防护措施, 在密闭空间里面工作还是极端危险的.

Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built - in cabinet.───不要把装置安装在诸如书橱或壁橱等密闭的地方.

Permit to work - hot work, excavation, confined space entry, scaffolding erection.───开作业票 -- 动火作业, 开挖, 限制空间进入, 脚手架安装,栅栏拆.

Use the entrants log sheet to keep track of personnel entering and leaving confined space. ───使用进入者日志表来跟踪人员进入并留出有限的空间。

It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space.───在这样狭小的空间里工作很难提高效率.


If you're working within a confined space, simply attach the Steamatic accessory adaptor to the short handle extension.

It rumbled noisily in the confined space.

His long legs bent up in the confined space.

Avoid using the cleaner in a confined space.

The employees who enter confined spaces should have been trained on the subject of entry into confined space areas.

The confined space and the many hard, reflective surfaces make a car interior perhaps the ultimate challenge for audio designers.

In order to suit the confined space The scarifier has a crank-rocker mechanism in simple greenhouse, a small type electric scarifier was designed for loosening soil and is driven by electric motor.

Permit to work - hot work, excavation, confined space entry, scaffolding erection.

The atmospheric condition in the confined space is □ Safe □ Unsafe.





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