concede defeat───承认失败;认输
concerted effort───齐心协力
concede a goal───失球
avoid defeat───避免失败
crushing defeat───惨败
But in the end both parties' appeals for calm were respected and, crucially, Mr Akufo-Addo quickly conceded defeat after the final result was declared.───但最终值得尊重的是,两党同时选择了冷静处理此事,而且更值得一提的是,阿库佛艾杜先生在最终结果宣布之后,很快就承认了自己的失败。
She has conceded defeat in her bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for governor.───她已经承认自己在民主党州长提名竞选中失败。
The government conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.───选举结果一揭晓,政府就承认失败。
Tsai, 55, was widely praised for a savvy campaign, but announced that she was standing down as she conceded defeat.───蔡,55岁,因为运动悟性受到广泛赞誉,但是当他承认败选后她宣布辞去民进党主席的职位。
conceded defeat only when he calculated that there were not enough uncounted ballots to provide him with the votes he needed.───当待统计选票的数量已无法达到获胜所需票数后,约翰·克里不得不无奈地承认自己的失败。
Tsai conceded defeat and said she was quitting as DPP party chief.───蔡英文承认失败,称她会辞去民进党主席职务。
Allen has not conceded defeat, and his campaign says he will wait until a re-check of the vote counting is completed by local officials.───艾伦还没有承认败选。他的竞选班子说,他要等地方官员完成对计票的核查。
Earlier, the leader of President Musharraf's Pakistan Muslim league conceded defeat, well before the announcement of official results.───早些时候,穆沙拉夫总统的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(领袖派)领导人侯赛因承认在选举中失败,时间远远早于官方公布的选举结果。
Krugman effectively conceded defeat on a range of economic debates. Who defeated him?───克鲁格曼实际上承认了自己在一系列经济辩论中落败。谁击败了他?
The prime minister conceded defeat and resigned.
Kavner conceded defeat after 75% of the vote had been counted.
The Liberal Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.
She admitted/conceded defeat well before all the votes had been counted.
In May 1949, Stalin conceded defeat and reopened land access to Berlin.
The Democratic Party candidate has already conceded defeat .
Airtours conceded defeat in its attempt to take control of holiday industry rival Owners Abroad.
The Committee finally conceded defeat and left the matter open.
I get the impression that the Tories have already conceded defeat.
- conceded defeat