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词汇 compound eyes
释义 compound eyes
compound eyes发音



compound eye───(昆虫的)[昆]复眼

compound leaves───[植]复叶

compound lenses───复合透镜

compound meter───复合流量计

compound times───复拍子,复合拍子

compound tones───复合音调,复声调;完全音

compound Q's───化合物Q

compound Qs───化合物Qs

compound lens───复合透镜


They have a pair of big compound eyes on the head.───它们头部有一对大复眼,它们有三对脚。

All phasmids possess compound eyes.───所有尾感器拥有复眼。

In prognathous insects, the vertex is not found between the compound eyes.───下巴突出的昆虫的复眼之间没有顶点。

The insect nervous system is similar to that of other arthropods. Sensory structures include tympanal organs, compound eyes, and ocelli .───昆虫的神经系统与其它节肢动物的神经相似,感觉结构包括听器、复眼、和单眼。

Mosquitoes have six legs, a pair of wings, compound eyes, large antennae, and that problematic proboscis with which the females suck blood.───蚊子有六只脚,有一双翅膀,复眼,大型天线,而先天问题,其中以女性,吸血。

It has two very big compound eyes and two shout feelers.───它有两只非常大的复眼和两条短触角。

Gaff was a Kobok, a yellow-green skinned insectoid with sharp stingers on his forearms and three orange compound eyes.───科博克人是一个昆虫形种族,皮肤呈黄绿色,前臂带尖刺,头上有三只复眼。

The double compound eyes of a male St. Mark's fly (Bibio marci), submitted by Dr. David Maitland from Feltwell, UK.───一只雄性苍蝇(Bibiomarci)的双重复眼,由来自英国Feltwell的大卫·麦特兰博士拍摄。

Thereour country. It has a pair of compound eyes that composed of 28000 small eyes.───它有由28000只小眼睛组成的一个对复眼。


That portion of the epicranium which lies immediately behind the frons and between the compound eyes is termed the vertex.

There is not only one way, as is demonstrated by the compound eyes of arthropods.

The silverfish, for example, has compound eyes but others in the group are blind.

Many insects have compound eyes.

It forms the greater part of the brain and innervates the compound eyes and ocelli.

First, insects have compound eyes consisting of up to several thousand optical units called ommatidia, each with a single lens.

Instead, it forms a huge domed shield on the front of which are two bean-shaped compound eyes.

In addition to its compound eyes, the mantis has three small ocelli – simple eyes used primarily as light sensors, which probably assist with stability in flight.

The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation.

  • compounded monthly
  • compounded annually
  • compound interest
  • compounded quarterly
  • compound sentence
  • compoundable meaning




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