It's sweet and tender
The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.───桃子的果肉甜而多汁.
The grassland smelt fresh and sweet after rain.───雨后的草原一片清香.
A breeze wafts the sweet smell of roses.───微风吹来了玫瑰花的芬芳(香味).
This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.───这甘蔗既甜又多汁.
The cocktails were so sweet that the strength of them might pass unnoticed until it was too late.───这些鸡尾酒太好喝了,等你感受到酒劲时可能为时已晚。
She'd baked some bread which made the air smell sweet.───她刚烤制了一些面包,空气里都弥漫着一股香味。
The sweet food lay heavy on my stomach.───这甜食让我的胃觉得很不舒服.
By the side of sickness health becomes sweet.───与疾病相比,健康才显得可爱.
This fruit isn't sweet enough.───这种水果不够甜.
Isn't the baby sweet!───多可爱的小宝宝!
A soft fire makes sweet malt.
I prefer savory to sweet.
Sweet are the uses of adversity.
Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.
Sweet discourse makes short days and nights.
No sweet without some sweat.
Sugar has a sweet taste.
The pineapple was sweet and juicy.
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- bittersweet moment
- a sweet tooth
- sweetness sweets
- Sweet mover
- sweet cift
- sweet potatoes
- so sweet baby
- nice andsweet
- for sweet
- a little sweet