

词汇 committee members
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committee member───委员

committee meetings───委员会会议;指导委员会

committee meeting───委员会会议;指导委员会

committee stages───英国上、下院委员会审查议案二读与三读之间的阶段

charter members───n.(美)组织或公司等的创办人

commit to memory───记住

committal orders───拘押令

committee of ones───一人委员会

committee stage───英国上、下院委员会审查议案二读与三读之间的阶段


The committee is made up of two co-ordinators and a number of committee members, plus several hundred " raggies ".───该委员会由两名协调员和一些委员会成员,以及数百名“亲密朋友”组成。

The Committee Members strongly concurred with this approach.───委员会成员大力支持这一做法。

the committee members were made public prior to the first meeting.───委员会成员名单已经在首次会议前对外公布。

Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting.───决定以不记名投票方式,经全体成员过半数通过。

Committee members have said the questions asked by the Fed in advance of the meeting can give clues to the Fed's thinking.───曾有投资者顾问委员会的成员说,美联储在会前提出的问题可能会透露出一些线索,让人一窥美联储的想法。

Nominees: Those committee members need to ask the hard questions of these nominees and examine their records closely.───委员会的成员必须针对被提名者问一些很严厉的问题,并且仔细考查他们的记录。

That would have been the end of it had Morita not voiced regret over dinner that evening with the committee members.───那天晚上用餐时如果盛田昭夫没有向委员会成员表示遗憾的话这件事情本应就这么结束了。

The Management Committee members are elected by the General Assembly for one year, re-election is possible.───管理委员会成员由每年的会员大会选举,可以改选。

' Mr. Lee was one of the country's two International Olympic Committee members, but gave up his duties due to his legal troubles.───李健熙是韩国两名国际奥委会委员之一,但由于法律诉讼被暂时停权。


An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform.

Other committee members chipped in with suggestions.

The committee members live in dread of anything that may cause a scandal.

There was a clash of wills among committee members.

While the chairman was speaking, two committee members were engaged in heated by-play at the end of the table.

Committee members will not be eligible for re-election within a period of two years.

Various committee members made interesting points.

Some committee members still harboured doubts about the plans.

Several committee members expressed their intense dislike of the chairman.

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